Russian state oil major Rosneft is developing a new strategy centred on the transition to renewable energy resources. The company’s CEO, Russian oligarch №2 behind the Tzar himself, Igor Sechin introduced the new approach at the Eurasian Economic Forum in Verona, Vedomosti reports.

Sechin also said that Rosneft had invested more than $580mln in green energy in 2020 alone, and that it had reduced the volume of pollutants it released into the atmosphere by 14% in the same period.

The transfer of Sechin to the “green strategy” is somehow doubtful. So far he has been only effective in transferring the money of Russian taxpayers to his own pockets through various mechanisms, but mostly thanks to his close ties with Putin.

Anyway, Russia has to start the announced transfer. The country is heavily dependent on its natural resources, so the future green economy is an obvious challenge to change.