TLDR: Take whatever comes out from CCP’s mouth with a pinch of salt. We all know what it’s right is right.
What cut deep should be current covid disaster: where China still claim it’s not originated there and you can’t prove it because early samples destroyed.
Similar things happened to hongkong - SARS (family of covid) killed 300+ in HK because of China.

In terms of protests, they claim hongkongers are rioters. And guess what, they also claimed the tiananmen peaceful protesters and civilians RIOTERS.

All these years, Uyghurs were put in concentration camps, being tortured, Sterilised, raped and killed... and ccp still say they are fine.

Why would anyone trust the ccp?

#ccp #china #coronavirus #SARS #uyghur #tiananmensquare #COVID19 #closethecamps #finacialcrisis #hk #standwithhk #wuhan #chinaliedpeopledied #1984 #orwell