#OpinionArticle #HungHoFung

China blames the world for not containing COVID-19 (Wuhan Coronavirus)

(26 Feb) Because China failed to contain the coronavirus in its early stage, the nationwide outbreak is now a global outbreak. The scale of impact on the global economy is still unclear, but it must be significant.

For those lovers unable to meet up due to cancelled trips, companies unable to fulfill orders due to the Chinese supply chain collapse, workers unable to report to duty due to quarantines, and patients killed by Wuhan Pneumonia, who should be responsible for their losses, mentally and physically?

The pandemic is neither an accident nor a natural occurence. It is a man-made disaster caused by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). This kind of calamity is not new to the CCP.


Source: RFA (26-02)

#CCP #Autocracy #GlobalOutbreak #Coronavirus #StateCensorship