Hong Kong Student Alliance CIC is thrilled to announce the publication of our Annual Report for the year 2023-2024. This comprehensive report highlights our achievements, activities, and financial performance over the past year. We encourage all members, partners, and supporters to read the full report available on our website. Your engagement and support have been crucial to our success, and we look forward to your continued involvement.

HKSAcic 2023-2024年度的年報已經發佈。這份總結了我們過去一年的成就、活動和財務表現。我們誠邀所有會員、合作夥伴和支持者閱讀我們網站上的完整報告。您的參與和支持對我們的成功至關重要,我們期待您繼續參與我們的工作。