Confucius Institutes Closing in Australia

Summary: NSW Government scrapped Chinese Confucius Institute's program after a six month's review upon a perception that the Institute is or could be facilitating inappropriate foreign influence.

(Editor's note: Despite this, Australia still has the third-highest number of Confucius Institutes and classrooms in the world — behind the USA and the UK — with 14 institutes and 67 classrooms across the country. The main concerns surrounding these Confucius Institute programs and Chinese language classes are that they are funded by the PRC government as the means of 'soft power' to gain undue political influences overseas. There is a threat to academic freedom in Australia and that the language courses and other public events held by the Confucius Institutes serve as propaganda platforms for the CCP.)

#ChinaInfluence, #ConfuciusInstitutes

Source: ABC (23-Aug)