Chronicles of the clashes at Tai Po: Police Chief Shows Up

2306 Reporters pointed out that gun shots were heard and several rounds of tear gases and rubber bullets were fired at the intersection of On Chee road and On Po road.

2307 Near Fortune Plaza Centre, police hoisted black flag. Rumor was thrift that a Mad Dog Daily reporter was pepper sprayed on An Chee road.

2310 A police officer was found hitting the hands and camera lens of a Stand News reporter, while some others mentioned a pepper spraying towards civilians onsite.

2312 District councillor-elect Wong Siu-kin was subdued by the police, but was later released.

2320 Near Taipo MegaMall, several Police officers pointed their guns at civilians and reporters.

00:11 Police Commissioner Chris Ping-keung Tang arrived at the scene.

Sources: Cable News, Stand News, RTHK, Apple Daily #20Dec #21Dec