Pro-China, Pro-police Supporters Attacked Journalists, Called Pro-democracy Protesters "cockroaches" and Demanded recount in Pro-democracy Constituencies

Pro-China, pro-police supporters who were mainly middle-aged and elderly held a rally in Wan Chai. Waving Chinese national flag and singing the Chinese national anthem, participants called themselves "patriots".

They openly defamed pro-democracy protesters as "cockroaches" and "trash", and accused the newly-elected pro-democracy district councillors of using "unscrupulous means" to win in the recent election. 

The group claimed that the pro-democracy groups obstructed many people from casting their vote and demanded a recount in constituencies where pro-democracy candidates had won.

The crowd also showed their pro-police stance and called for enactment of Article 23, a controversial anti-subversion bill that was shelved after half a million took it to the street in 2003.

The pro-police, pro-China crowd vented out their anger to the media. Journalists were abused, as they were pictured and hit with the Chinese national flags. The crowd also held up posters that read “we hate fake news”.

Source: RTHK #Dec8