Japanese Student in HK Recalls the Siege as "Battlefield": "We realize that we should never take freedom for granted"

Shitabae Chohu, a 19 year-old exchange student from Sophia University in Japan, has come to the Chinese University of Hong Kong to learn Chinese since August. On Nov 14, she witnessed the police laying siege to the campus. She said, "Police fired a lot of tear gas, it was like a battlefield, and students were busy helping the injured."

She was told by local students that police would soon enter the campus. Students therefore set up roadblocks and promised that they would defend the campus till the very last moment. "We, the exchange students, are going to leave soon, and we are so worried about our local friends."

"It was such a pity that we could only stay here [Hong Kong] for a very short time. Meanwhile, we realize that we should never take freedom for granted. We promise to tell everyone in Japan what is going on in Hong Kong, and tell them what the truth is."
Source: Apple Daily #Nov21