#AsiasFinest #BreachingLaw
HK Police Only Receive Warning For Allegedly Violating Telecommunications Ordinance

Apple Daily revealed earlier that a policeman in Hong Kong was found using a non-official walkie-talkie during work.

The Office of the Communications Authority confirmed that owning that type of walkie-talkie requires a permit, but only issued a warning to the police. In previous cases, civilians have been fined for over HK$10,000.

A barrister suggested that the police did not seek approval before using the said walkie-talkie and violated the Telecommunications Ordinance.

Human rights group criticised that the police should not handle a criminal offence just by internal instructions, because “the said party did not just offended internal rules, but the Hong Kong law. Things should be done according to the law.”

Source: Apple Daily #Dec17


#WalkieTalkie #Telecommunications #HKPF