The US Listed Six more Chinese Media Companies as Foreign Missions,
Hu Xijin: China may Retaliate Against US Media in HK

The US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced on Wednesday (October 21) that the State Department listed another six Chinese media companies in the US as foreign missions, estimated to make the US-China relations worsen. The Global Times editor Hu Xijin criticized that "the US has gone too far" and warned that "China must retaliate, and may implicate the US media companies in Hong Kong".

It was at least the fifth time to list Chinese organizations and media as foreign missions in six months. The Chinese media included the Yicai Global, Jiefang Daily, the Xinmin Evening News, Social Sciences in China Press, the Beijing Review, and the Economic Daily.

According to the Foreign Missions Act, foreign missions must obtain approval from the US for the list of declared personnel and their salary information, their assets owned or leased in the US, and the purchase or lease of any property.

#China #US #StateDepartment #ChineseCompanies #ChineseMedia #ForeignMissions #Pompeo

Source: Standnews #Oct22