Police Inspector admits “inappropriate” and “unprofessional” behavior when dispersing pro-democracy protesters

On October 21, last year, marked the 3rd month of 721 incident where passengers of West Rail trains were brutally assaulted by a large group of white-clad mobsters in Yuen Long Station, citizens gathered on Castle Peak Road in Yuen Long protesting alleged “Police-triad collusion”.

During the dispersal operation, a youngster was arrested for hurling a 1.5L water bottle at riot police on the scene in an attempt to rescue other pro-democracy protesters. The youngster was charged with 3 counts of offences, including obstructing police officers from executing their duties, resisting arrest and possessing an offensive weapon.

Responding to defence-counsel’s cross-examination, the police inspector who claimed being hit by the water bottle made a loud statement, saying, “no normal law-abiding citizen will run on the street at 11pm.” A video footage, however showed the inspector shrieked at the youngster and hurled insults. The inspector initially denied, but later acknowledged his behaviour was “inappropriate” and “unprofessional”.

Source: Apple Daily #Sept18
#Court #PoliceState