【緬甸日記】緬甸軍方2月初發動政變引發全國多處示威,緬甸記者Aye Min Thant每日紀錄當地最新局勢,眾新聞繼續連載。當地反政變示威進入第33天、互聯網被連續第20天「斷網」,軍方開實彈及催淚彈鎮壓多處示威,至今最少有63人喪生、逾1500人被捕或被控。

Pulitzer-prize winning journalist Aye Min Thant: //This is the summary for day 33 of the #MyanmarCoup and night 20 of consecutive internet blackouts. So far, at least 1,522 people have been arrested, charged, or sentenced and at least 63 have been killed by security forces. The big stories of the day are the increasing lack of control the military has over government institutions and workers and the growing consensus among the resistance of the need to abolish the 2008 constitution under which the military is justifying their coup.//

【Full text】http://bit.ly/30eOoPk
・兩用帆布袋,以潘源良書法:「寧作飛灰 不作浮塵」為設計

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