【緬甸日記】緬甸軍方2月初發動政變引發全國多處示威,緬甸記者Aye Min Thant每日紀錄當地最新局勢,眾新聞繼續連載。以下是反政變政變第25天、互聯網被連續第12天「斷網」的最新情況,被捕人數保守估計已經超過740人,軍方威嚇傳媒不得在報道中以「政變」、「軍政府」形容,緬甸一眾傳媒企硬捍衛新聞自由。

Pulitzer-prize winning journalist Aye Min Thant: //The military regime also arrested and charged two journalists with incitement, a charge which can carry a prison term of up to 7 years. The junta also once again warned the media that they could lose their license to publish if they refer to the State Administrative Council with terms like “military regime” or “de facto government”. Independent media has largely ignored these directives and have openly stated opposition to the coup government’s attempts to stifle free expression.//

【Day 25 Full Text】http://bit.ly/3pTSypZ
【Day 24 Full Text】http://bit.ly/3aW3D5H
・兩用帆布袋,以潘源良書法:「寧作飛灰 不作浮塵」為設計

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