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#收到收唔到 #入會確認電郵 #請CheckMailbox
經過幾番失敗再嘗試,各位會員嘅入會確認電郵經已分批陸續寄出,成功率高達 97.9%!如果見唔到,麻煩您摷埋垃圾郵件……如果都係見唔到,發現自己係不幸嘅2.1%,請盡快同我哋聯絡喇!#原諒我眼殘 喺到再次感謝首四日入會會員!未入會嘅下個街站見!

After several attempts, 97.9% of the confirmation emails have been sent successfully. Please also take a peep in the spam box if you don’t receive it in the main one! For the remaining 2.1%, please contact us as soon as possible! #ForgiveUsForMisreading Once again thanks for the support from those who have joined us as a member and we look forward to recruiting more of you soon!

#嗚呀 #去咗JunkMail但我哋唔係垃圾呀
#航陣 #航空同業陣線 #HKASA