Biden Administration Further Limits the Exportation of Components to Huawei. Global Times: Two Canadians Will Soon Stand Trial

 The Biden administration amended licences for companies to sell Huawei technology, further restricting companies from supplying items that can be used with 5G devices. Two sources quoted in Reuters said the change could distrust the exiting contract with Huawei. Global Times said trials of two Canadians on an espionage charge, Michael Kovrig and Michael Kovrig, would be closed soon. There are signs that the Huawei case cannot be solved through a diplomatic channel.

According to a Reuters report, the Biden administration has taken action this week, indicating Biden is stepping up their hard line against Huawei. US Department of Commerce Spokesperson and spokesperson of Huawei have both declined to comment. 
#Huawei #China #Canada #US #UnitedStates #Biden  
Source: The Stand News #Mar12