Beijing Official Calls on US to Stop Meddling in Hong Kong Affairs, Says Chinese Feelings “Not to Be Hurt”

China’s Politburo member and former foreign minister Yang Jiechi said on February 1 that he hopes US President Joe Biden will work on restoring a predictable and constructive Sino-American relationship while calling on the US to stop interfering in issues involving Chinese sovereignty and territorial integrity.

This appeal came as all eyes are on whether the two powers’ relations will improve under the Biden administration. Calling on the newly inaugurated president to work towards a peaceful and mutually beneficial relationship, Yang said the US should uphold the ‘one China’ principle and respect Beijing’s position and concerns when it comes to Taiwan. He further called on the US to refrain from meddling in issues surrounding Hong Kong, Tibet and Xinjiang, warning that the feelings of the 1.4 billion Chinese are “not to be hurt”.

Speaking in a video conference hosted by the US’ National Committee on United States-China Relations, Yang stated that issues surrounding Hong Kong, Tibet and Xinjiang are matters concerning China’s core interests and national dignity. Disregard for the feelings of the Chinese, he said, would prove only to be detrimental to the Sino-American relations and US interests. He added that he hopes the US would understand the sensitivity of these issues and tread cautiously, taking care not to undermine the mutual trust between the two countries.

Source: Stand News #Feb01

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