Indonesian Pharmaceutical Factory Changed Their Mind on the Uncertain Data after Saying 97% Validity for Chinese Vaccination

Brazil, Turkey and countries in East Asia Regions subsequently purchased Chinese COVID-19 vaccination which the foreign press claims it as “Chinese Vaccination Diplomatic”. Indonesia is the most frontline among these countries as they have received 1.2 million doses of CoronaVac, COVID-19 vaccinations from Sinovac Biotech in Beijing. However, Bio Forma Company, an Indonesia state-owned pharmaceutical company, pointed yesterday (Dec 8) that according to their interim data, the CoronaVac achieves 97% effectiveness, but then changed their wordings to uncertain protectiveness of the vaccine less than a day after.

An Indonesian state-owned pharmaceutical factory PT Bio Farma, co-operating with Beijing Sinovac Biotech, has announced on Tuesday (Dec 8) that the interim data of CoronaVoc phase 3 clinical test shows its 97% of effective protection without providing details.

Sinovac Biotech immediately issued a statement that they have not received data on the effectiveness of CoronaVac phase 3 clinical test. Later in the same day, PT Bio Farma added that the effective rate of Sinovac Biotech vaccinations has not yet been determined and claimed that the complete report will release in Jan 2021. Both parties did not explain the reason for misunderstanding.

Source: Stand News #Dec09

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