
More than 20% of Chinese made less than $100 a month

According to the 46th China Internet Development Survey Report , as of June 2020, the number of Internet users in China is 940 million, with an Internet penetration rate of 67.0%.
Among them, 2.85 billion are rural Internet users, accounting for 30.4% of all Internet users. The proportion of Internet users with an average monthly income of 2001-5000 yuan was 32.6%.

The proportion of Internet users with a monthly income of $5,000 or more was 24.2%, while the proportion of those with a monthly income of $1,000 or less was 21.0%.

Monthly income includes [the following]:
Student income includes family-supplied living expenses, frugal wages, scholarships and other income.;
The income of agricultural, forestry, fishery and animal husbandry labourers includes the living expenses provided by their children, income from agricultural production, government subsidies and other income.;
The income of the unemployed/redundant includes living expenses provided by their children, government relief, subsidies, widow and orphans' pensions, and low income security, etc.;
Retiree's income includes living expenses provided by children, pension, etc.

#China #LowIncome #Poor #MakeLessThan100 #LargePopulaion

Source: HKLIG
Cyberspace Adminstration of China

Translated by: Hong Kong Echo