China Relations Sour as Czech Senate President Visits Taiwan, Beijing Buyer Cancels Order for Czech Pianos

With China angered over a recent visit to Taiwan by the president of the Czech senate Miloš Vystrčil and his delegation, a Chinese buyer cancelled a 5.3-million Czech koruna (approxmiately 1.8-million Hong Kong dollar) order with the Czech piano manufacturer Petrof, the Czech News Agency reported.

Commenting on Vystrčil’s visit to Taiwan, the Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi said earlier that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China. Those who challenge the “One China” principle, he said, are making themselves enemies of the 1.4 billion Chinese people and are going to pay a heavy price. The Czech foreign ministry summoned the Chinese ambassador for an explanation.

Citing an announcement by Petrof’s CEO Zuzana Ceralová Petrofová, foreign media reported that a buyer from Beijing cancelled a close deal with the piano manufacturer because of Vystrčil’s visit. With rumours of the Chinese government placing sanctions on Czech imports going around, the buyer was worried that he could not afford the fine and decided to cancel his order.

A renowned instrument brand, Petrof makes 35% of its revenue from sales in China. The report quoted the manufacturer as voicing concerns for the impact on its operation in China should the country’s relations with the Czech Republic continue to worsen. It is also unsure as to whether its employees will be given visas to attend the International Instrument Exhibition, which will take place in Shanghai next month.

Source: Stand News #Sep05

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