Chinese in Ukraine Are Trying to Pass for Japanese as Anger Grows over Pro-Invasion Comments by ‘Little Pink’

As #Russia receives overwhelming censure for invading #Ukraine, comments supporting the aggression and deriding Ukrainian women were made on the Internet by the jingoistic #LittlePink and opinion leaders in #China. With the locals getting word of the remarks and anger boiling over, Chinese students in Ukraine are reportedly trying to pass for Japanese. China’s embassy in Ukraine issued an advisory in the early hours of Saturday, 26 February, warning nationals against openly identifying as Chinese and displaying the Chinese flag.

In a clip circulating on Twitter, a Chinese man claiming to be a student at Ukraine’s National University of Life and Environmental Sciences notes that some of his compatriots are making derisive comments on the Internet like “It’s a good war they’re waging in Ukraine—the more deaths the better. That way I’ll be getting a Ukrainian girl as wife”. With the remarks translated into English and Russian and having made their way to Ukraine, he says, Chinese students in Ukraine are finding themselves isolated.

“I just got a message saying that many in China are making gibes on the Internet like ‘It’s a good war they’re waging in Ukraine—the more deaths the better. That way I’ll be getting a Ukrainian girl as wife’,” the student reports. “You know the Ukrainian media have picked them up and translated them, and now basically every Ukrainian knows about them. Down in the bomb shelters in the Kyiv subway, old ladies and young people went asking Chinese students if they really feel that way. A lot of us are now scared to stay there. To all the keyboard fighters in China: show some respect and give us a chance to live.”

Source: RFA #Feb28