Forwarded from Anne Marie Waters News (For Britain movement)
The insanity continues

"The three countries – China, Russia and India – that produce the most methane emissions in the world haven’t signed onto the pact, which has been spearheaded by the U.S. and European Union ahead of a major United Nations climate conference. The nations that have signed the agreement represent nearly 30% of global methane emissions, the State Department said Monday.

“Methane reductions are the single most effective strategy to reduce global warming in the near term and keep a 1.5 C future within reach,” U.S. Special Envoy for Climate John Kerry tweeted after the September announcement. “Join the (pledge) and cut methane 30% by 2030.”

Meanwhile, forcefully cutting methane emissions so drastically could significantly harm U.S. agriculture and manufacturing, according to industry groups. The White House has yet to lay out the policies it would pursue to cut methane by 30%."