
Media outlet set up in Hong Kong for negative news coverage in China, 3 men imprisoned for picking quarrels and provoking trouble
(14 Jul)The website of China's Supreme People's Court recently announced the sentencing of citizens Wang Hongquan, Tang Yunli and Li Hede, from Lianyungang, Jiangsu province. The Gangyu District People's Court in Lianyungang doled out prison terms ranging from 12 to 18 months for running a media outlet in Hong Kong to report negative news on China. Their crime was picking quarrels and provoking trouble*.
The verdict stated that, through a third party, Wang founded the Hong Kong-registered China News Agency (中華新聞通訊社) in 2013 but that company is not the China Media Group** (華聞社). Wang's media outlet employed Tang as the chief reporter and Li was in charge of marketing.
Wang's website has covered news in various regions and published many negative reports [on China]. Under the name of China News Agency in Hong Kong, Wang recruited journalists and other staff across China. They impersonated Hong Kong journalists to access relevant departments to gather and report fake news, which Li promoted online to garner a large number of views and shares. This had a significantly negative impact on relevant institutions and individuals and led to serious public disorder. The police arrested Wang, Tang and Li in May last year. They were subsequently detained, arrested and charged.
Editor's Note:
*Picking quarrels and provoking trouble is a crime under article 293 of the 1997 revision of the People's Republic of China's Penal Code.
**The China Media Group is a publicly listed Chinese holding company. The Chinese name of Wang's company is similar to that of the China Media Group.

Source: On.cc
Translated by: Hong Kong Echo

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