The UN Human Rights Council meeting will be held next Monday, 60 members of Congress around the world jointly signed the urge Xinjiang genocide 
The 47th UN Human Rights Council meeting will be held next Monday, the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance in China indicated on Friday, there are over 60 members of Congress from 17 countries or regions wrote to Nazhat Shameem Khan, the President of the UN Human Rights Council (18June). As well as Foreign Ministers of Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom, they urged to the UN for establishing a commission of inquiry and investigating the allegations of Xinjiang China genocide and crimes against humanity.  
The co-signed letter was coordinated by the “Traditional Parliamentary Union on China Policy”, the co-signers are included 60 congressmen from Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, United States, Japan, and Europe. The letter stated, as members of the United Nations Human Rights Council, countries request foreign ministers to support the establishment of independent investigation committees and investigate Xinjiang’s violations of human rights of Uyghurs and other minorities, including allegations of genocide and crimes against humanity. Besides, the investigation commission also has the responsibility to identify the persons involved and hold them accountable. In addition, the committee should make recommendations to end the Chinese government’s violation of human rights in Xinjiang, and report to the UN Human Rights Council on a regular basis.  
Source: Stand News #Jun19
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