請廣傳:【移英港人 心理健康 問卷調查】

英國港僑協會 聯同 劍橋大學的研究人員 誠邀閣下參與一項港人移居英國的心理健康調查,旨在瞭解移英港人之整體心理健康及相關需求,包括移民對心理及情緒的影響、政治衝突對個人帶來的衝擊。這項調查研究將有助於本會日後進行政策倡議工作及提供服務,供英國政府及非政府服務提供機構作參考。



Please share widely:【Survey on Mental Health for HK arrivals in the UK】

HKB is inviting you to participate in this survey in collaboration with researchers from the University of Cambridge.

This survey aims to understand the overall mental health and related needs of Hongkongers who have immigrated to the UK, including psychological and emotional impacts of immigration and the impact of political conflict on individuals.

With this data, HKB can advise the UK Government and other non-governmental organisations and service providers on more precisely designing policies and services to improve the programme of integration for Hongkongers arriving in the UK.

Survey website : https://cambridge.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_brNxH71mW95xwc6