🇷🇺 Comment by Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the International Organizations in Vienna Mikhail Ulyanov to RIA Novosti news agency

💬 The next visit of the IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi to Russia is now under development. The head of the IAEA and his closest employees regularly hold consultations on Russian territory with the Russian interdepartmental delegation headed by the General Director of the State Corporation «Rosatom» Alexey Likhachev. Such meetings are held in different cities, the next one is planned to be held before the end of May, 2024. Apparently, the meeting will not take place in Moscow

💬 Topics for discussion will mainly focus on the Zaporozhskaya NPP, although, if necessary, broader issues regarding interaction between Russia and the IAEA may also be addressed. Such meetings with the Director General of the IAEA on Russian territory were held several times, once every few months, «synchronizing watches» between the Russian side and the Agency was important and useful for the dialogue and interaction of the parties