Report of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation



🔹 The proposed analysis used an extensive array of Russian materials and research, including the Report of the Valdai Club "Certificate of Maturity, or the Order that has not yet been" (October 2023), articles and opinions of a number of leading Russian and Western experts.
Of course, the report broadly reflects the political thought of the BRICS countries and other countries of the World majority/The Global South.

🔹 Due to the importance of the factor of the state of the West and its society for predicting the evolution of the geopolitical situation and the formation of a new world order, the authors relied on the considerations of such authors as the British philosopher John Gray (his book "New Leviathans.
Thoughts after liberalism", 2023) and the French postmodern philosopher Jean Baudrillard (collection of his essays "Transparency of Evil", 1990), a number of whose predictions (for example, about recreating the "human space of war" in the presence of nuclear weapons and about the transition of the arms race to the format of "technological mannerism") were fully justified nowadays.
Among two other important sources are Christopher Lasch with his insight that the American elite separated from the rest of the nation and emigrated to its own separate reality, and Emmanuel Todd, who writes about the United States as a “nihilistic empire” in his book “Defeat of the West”.

🔹 Among the sources is A.V. Yakovenko's book "The Geopolitical Turning Point and Russia" (2023), which provides a reasoned narrative of the current geopolitical situation, including its origins.

🔹 The second edition of the report, updated as of May 2024.

🔹 The staff of the Institute of Current International Problems of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation was involved in the work.

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