Media is too big
09/13/2024 Steve Kirsch: I've been looking at CNN, NewYork Times, Washington Post, and there are no success stories about COVID vaccines. In fact, the more shots you get, the more likely you are to get COVID. It's like people who are unvaccinated weren't getting COVID anywhere close to the rate that people who are vaccinated getting COVID. They have data to prove that but simply ignore it in the military.
#COVIDVaccines #MilitaryData #NursingHomes #VaccineEffectiveness
09/13/2024 史蒂夫·基爾什:我一直在關注美國有線電視新聞網、紐約時報和華盛頓郵報等媒體,從沒看到過關於新冠疫苗成功的故事。事實上,你接種的疫苗劑數越多,就越容易感染新冠病毒。未接種疫苗的人感染新冠的比率遠低於接種疫苗的人。軍隊裡有數據證明這一點,但他們卻直接置之不理。
#新冠疫苗 #軍隊數據 #養老院 #疫苗有效性