Media is too big
【Listen to the hero】E0034:

In the past few days of the anti-extradition march in Hong Kong, I have received messages from many people in CCP China: so envy Hong Kong people.

Although the CCP makes it difficult for everyone to stand up. But this is too exaggerated and sad! Chinese people overseas have opportunities to express right? They can support as much as possible right? They didn't.

So the anti-extradition march in Hong Kong these days is the best lesson for us to study life, politics, economy, history, culture, and human nature.

香港反送中遊行這幾天,我收到國內很多人發信息: 羨慕香港人; 說人家太有種了、太厲害了!確實、中共集權讓每個人站不起來,但是這也過於悲哀了!在海外的這些華人你有機會吧? 你總有機會表達一下吧? 儘可能支持吧? 沒有。沒有! 所以說你看香港人,人家怎麼不傷心呢?香港人怎麼願意跟你大陸混到一起去?除非他腦子有毛病!所以香港反送中遊行這些天是我們研究和看到人生、政治、經濟、歷史、文化、人性最好的一堂課。

#消滅中共 #takedowntheccp