Media is too big
Naomi Wolf and James Thorp have raised concerns about the ethical implications of organ harvesting and its potential connection to late-term abortions and umbilical cord blood collection. There is a growing industry that involves the use of fetal cells for pharmaceutical testing and organ #transplantation. Companies such as 23andMe, along with government entities like #China and international organizations like the #WHO, may potentially breach medical privacy to gain access to the genetic profiles of millions of individuals. This information could be exploited for organ harvesting, particularly to benefit powerful figures in need of transplants.
納奧米和詹姆斯對器官摘取的倫理影響與晚期墮胎和臍帶血採集的潛在聯繫表示擔憂。23andMe 等公司以及中國等政府和世界衛生組織可能會侵犯醫療隱私,獲取基因資料,以用於器官摘取,滿足權貴人物移植器官的需要。
