Media is too big
Review of Mr. Miles Guo's Live Breaking News
重溫郭文貴先生直播爆料 (2021.12.03)

🔶The #HongKongstockmarket is a tool to help the CCP families #launder, #plunder and make money. The #HongKongdollar is the "mistress currency" between the CCP and #WallStreet. With the complete withdrawal of foreign capital and the Hang Seng Index falling below 30,000 points, the basis for the peg between the Hong Kong dollar and the US dollar will no longer exist. Hong Kong's bubble economy will inevitably collapse and the world's largest financial crisis in history will inevitably occur.

【 #香港股市 是幫共產党家族 #洗錢、掠奪、搞錢的工具,港幣是中共和 #華爾街 之間的“情婦幣”。外資的徹底撤出,恒生指數跌破30000點,港幣和美元掛鉤的基礎將不復存在,香港的泡沫經濟必然垮塌,全球有史以來最大的金融危機必然發生】

#消滅中共 #takedowntheccp