Media is too big
Review of Mr. Miles Guo's Live Breaking News
重溫郭文貴先生直播爆料 (2023.03.01)

🔶Therefore, UBS appealed. During the appeal process, Trustee Luc was involved in. He went to the UK to try to take over the case. Finally, he fired the lawyer who represented Miles. Luc's probably talking to UBS, making some kind of deal. UBS thought Miles can kick it out, but what about the other parties? I’m giving you money, UBS, so how can you make sure this case is completely resolved? He can't do it.

【在UBS上訴過程當中,Trustee Luc就到英國去,要把這個案子接管,這是其中一個目的。Luc把代表Miles的律師給 fire掉了,然後要把這個案子踢到瑞士去,估計Luc這個傢伙去跟這個瑞士UBS溝通,要錢的情況下,人家瑞士說:郭文貴可以踢出去,那Astake、Danstate跟郭文貴沒關係,你怎麼能保證這個案子沒有呢?就是UBS給你錢怎麼能讓這個所有這個案子徹底了結呢? 他做不到】

#英國UBS上訴 #TrusteeLuc #Astake #Danstate #瑞士