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Pfizer whistleblower Melissa McAtee: The first thing that made me suspicious of the vaccine was a person who had worked in the mixing workshop of a Pfizer factory for more than 40 years. They told my boss that the product that was going to be put into the vaccine vials was sent in bags with only Chinese writing. They had no idea what they were actually mixing and making...!
輝瑞公司舉報人梅麗莎·麥卡蒂 :讓我對疫苗產生懷疑的第一件事就是一位在製藥廠混合車間工作了四十多年的人他們跟我的老闆說要裝進疫苗瓶子的產品,用袋子裝著送過來的只有中文說明。他們並不清楚他們實際混合和製造的到底是什麼東西…!