Media is too big
9/6/2017 Miles Guo: Why did all the key doctors involved in organ transplantation for the CCP kleptocrat families die by jumping off buildings? Why did the families of these doctors, insiders of the CCP's organ transplantation operations, and the investigators who talked them into returning to Communist China all board Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370? Yet MH370, along with its passengers, remain forever missing! If the CCP can control my yacht, can't they also control MH370 and make it crash?
#MH370 #takedowntheCCP #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang #GuoHasTheGoods
9/6/2017 文貴直播:給中共盜國賊家族做器官移植的重要醫生們為何全都跳樓死?這些醫生的家人、中共器官移植的知情者以及勸他們返回國內的辦案人員為何都坐上了馬航MH370?而MH370連同其乘客卻永遠找不著了!中共能控制文貴的遊艇,難道就不能控制馬航的飛機讓它掉下去?
#馬航370 #釋放郭文貴 #釋放王雁平 #郭文貴先生有證據 @NFSCHimalayaNews