Media is too big
5/4/2023 @RealPNavarro: The threat from the Chinese Communist Party is more serious than we know. They want to take over key strategic technologies that will determine the future, and when the time comes, use them as weapons to launch #unrestrictedwarfare. The only thing that can hold them back now is to stop funding them. We have been their cash cow. We are the ones who enable them. 5/4/2023 #皮特納瓦羅:中共的威脅比我們知道的更嚴重。他們想接管決定未來的關鍵戰略技術,一旦時機來臨,會將其作為武器發起 #超限戰;現在唯一能夠阻止他們的是停止對他們的資助,我們一直是他們的搖錢樹,是我們養虎為患。#freemilesguonow #freeyvettewang
#takedowntheccp @NFSCHimalayaNews