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3/23/2023 Qelbinur Sidik, a survivor of the Xinjiang genocide: I have personally been to the CCP’s slave factories in Xinjiang. Many so-called kindergartens or boarding schools in Xinjiang are in fact child concentration camps. I feel extreme pain as a teacher for not being able to answer my students’ questions about why their parents were taken away from them.
#xinjianggenocide #xinjiangconcentrationcamp #CCP #uyghur

3/23/2023 新疆種族大屠殺倖存者凱爾比努爾·茜迪克:我親自到過中共在新疆的奴隸工廠;新疆有很多所謂幼兒園或寄宿制學校其實是兒童集中營;我為作為小學老師,因無法回答孩子問我他們的父母為何從他們身邊被帶走的問題而極度痛苦。
#新疆種族大屠殺 #新疆集中營 #中共 #維吾爾人 @NFSCHimalayaNews