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3/23/2023 Qelbinur Sidik, a survivor of the Xinjiang genocide: My husband, who is Uyghur, and I, being Uzbek, fled to the Netherlands because of persecution by the CCP government. The CCP police used my husband's and my family's WeChat accounts to threaten me to work with them and force me to divorce my husband. The evil deeds of the CCP have destroyed my family, and I don't even know if my husband is still alive!
#xinjianggenocide #xinjiangconcentrationcamp #CCP #uyghur

3/23/2023 新疆種族大屠殺倖存者蓋比努爾・茜迪克:我的丈夫因為是維吾爾人而無法和身為烏茲別克族的我逃到荷蘭;中共警察使用我丈夫和家人的微信號來威脅我跟他們進行合作並逼迫我與丈夫離婚;中共的惡行毀了我的家庭,而我甚至不知道我丈夫是否還活著!
#新疆種族大屠殺 #新疆集中營 #中共 #維吾爾人 @NFSCHimalayaNews