Media is too big
3/22/2023 Silk’s Interview with Ava: Miles Guo warned us in December 2019 that the COVID-19 can be transmitted from person to person. He told us not to take COVID vaccines back in March 2020! Miles Guo's intel comes from fellow fighters within the CCP system and is completely accurate! The origin of the COVID-19 will be revealed as long as the relationship between Fauci and Wang Yanyi is investigated and exposed!
#MilesGuo #FreeMilesGuoNow #CCP #COVID #COVIDvaccine #Fauci #WangYanyi 3/22/2023 Silk女士採訪莘7女孩: 早在2019年12月份的時候郭文貴先生就發出警告說新冠病毒可以人傳人,2020年3月份他告訴我們不要接種疫苗! 郭先生的情報來自中共體制內的戰友,絕對準確! 只要查清福奇和王延軼的關係,就會追查到新冠病毒的起源!
#郭文貴 #立即釋放郭文貴 #中共 #新冠病毒 #新冠疫苗 #福奇 #王延軼