Media is too big
Miles Guo Gettr:
3/20/2023 John O'Connor, former assistant U.S. attorney: The fact that the prosecutor who has libeled Miles Guo, the CCP's enemy No. 1, had worked with Communist China implies that the CCP has witnesses and evidence that they need, but can the witnesses and evidence provided by the CCP be reliable? The judge realized that something was fishy and ordered the prosecution to disclose all evidence favorable to the defendant, which is not normally required in regular circumstances.
#CCPenemynumberone #MilesGuo #releaseMilesGuonow #SDNY #CCP

3/20/2023 前美國聯邦助理檢察官約翰·奧康納:起訴中共頭號敵人郭文貴的檢察官跟中共國合作意味著中共有他們需要的證人和證據,但中共提供的證人和證據能可靠嗎?法官是覺察到有些事不對勁才下令要求檢方披露利於被告郭先生的全部證據,而正常情況下法官是不需要這樣做的。
#中共頭號敵人 #郭文貴 #立即釋放郭文貴 #紐約南區法院 #中共 @NFSCHimalayaNews