Media is too big
2/28/2023 文貴蓋特:共產黨沒錢了,連警察都發不出工資,習死皇還忙著支援俄羅斯;國內各銀行紀委大換血,所有的大額存款和轉賬都歸紀委監管;共產黨就是黑幫,不但黑老百姓,也黑黨奴們。
#共產黨沒錢了 #習近平支援俄羅斯 #中共銀行管控大額存款轉賬

2/28/2023 Miles Guo's GETTR: The CCP is running out of money, even the policemen are not getting paid, yet “Xi the Dead Emperor” keeps funding Russia; the Discipline Inspection commissions of the CCP’s banking system just had a massive personnel change and is taking charge of large deposits and large fund transfers; the CCP is a criminal gang that not only bullies Lao Baixing, but also its own members
#CCPrunsOutofMoney #XiJinpingFundsRussia #CCPbanksRestrictLargeFundTransfer @NFSCHimalayaNews