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2/22/2023 文貴直播:目前各國最關注三件事:俄烏戰爭後歐洲和世界的政治秩序;中共是否會在台灣和美國以及歐洲發生戰事;疫苗對生育的破壞對人類未來的影響。
#俄烏戰爭 #台灣 #疫苗災難 #中共間諜氣球 #斬首

2/22/2023 Miles Guo: The three most concerning issues faced by every country are: the political order of Europe and the world after the Russia-Ukraine war; whether or not the CCP will go to war with the U.S. and Europe in Taiwan; how the destructive impact of COVID vaccines on fertility will affect the future of mankind.
#RussiaUkraineWar #Taiwan #COVIDVaccineDisaster #CCPSpyBalloon #decapitation @NFSCHimalayaNews