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02/20/2023 On Monday, a large white balloon was spotted just to the east of Honolulu in Hawaii.
The altitude of this balloon is estimated to be between 40,000 and 50,000 feet. It comes just days after US officials claimed that a previously downed Chinese spy balloon that was targeting the state of Hawaii was blown off course. However, there is currently no confirmation of these claims from air traffic control or other US officials.

02/20/2023 週一,在夏威夷火奴魯魯東部上空發現一巨大白氣球。該氣球的高度估計在40,000 到 50,000 英尺之間。就在該氣球出現的幾天前,一隻以夏威夷州為目標的中共國間諜氣球剛被擊落,而美國官員聲稱那只氣球是被吹離航線。不過,目前空中交通管制或其他美國官員還沒證實對該氣球的各種說法。