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2/19/2023 文貴直播:因為兩條致命原因,西方不可能打到中國去; 氣球事件讓西方明白真正的威脅來自中共,而不是中國老百姓,所以索羅斯、基辛格等親中派只好自己打臉了
#中共氣球 #中共宣戰 #索羅斯 #基辛格
2/19/2023 Miles Guo: The West will not fight a war in China because of two fatal issues; from the balloon incident, the West has truly realized that their threat comes from the CCP, rather than Chinese LaoBaixing. That’s why pro-CCP figures such as Soros and Kissinger have to slap their own faces now
#CCPballoon #CCPdeclaresWar #Soros #Kissinger @NFSCHimalayaNews