Media is too big
02/15/2023 Josh Rogin:The balloons are just one part of a very multifaceted threat coming from our greatest geopolitical rival, which is the CCP. The US is chasing the CCP to reset our relationships with them shows our weakness and the CCP is taking advantage of it. The more weakness we show, the more aggressive they can be. Japan doubled their defense budget before the balloon incidents, because they saw the rising threat from Beijing. It should tell us and our allies something that we should be against the growing complex threat.

02/15/2023 喬什·羅金:氣球事件只是來自我們最大的地緣政治敵人-中共的多方面威脅的一個部分。美國追著中共試圖修復兩國關係顯示了我們的軟弱,而中共正在利用我們的弱點。我們越展示軟弱,中共就會變得越具有侵略性。日本在氣球事件之前就將國防預算加倍,因為他們看到了北京日益增長的威脅。這應該告訴我們以及我們的盟友,我們需要對抗這個日益增長的複雜的威脅