Media is too big
1/17/2023 文貴蓋特:台灣的兄弟姐妹們昨晚幫了我一個大忙,為我們三月初在台灣的行動奠定了堅實基礎,中共最害怕的“干涉內政”正在發生;新中國聯邦和我成功地讓美國將中國人和中共分開,這讓習太陽大怒,但對我們來說,更重要的是使得海外的中國人得到了保護
#台灣 #干涉內政 #新中國聯邦 #習近平

1/17/2023 Miles Guo's GETTR: Our Taiwanese brothers and sisters did me a huge favor last night, which has laid a solid foundation for our following operations in Taiwan in early March. The interference in internal affairs that the CCP fears the most is happening. The New Federal State of China and I have successfully made the U.S. separate the Chinese people from the CCP, which irritates Xi Jinping, but it means more to us that the overseas Chinese are being protected
#Taiwan #InterferenceInternalAffairs #NFSC #XiJinping
#秘密翻譯組 @NFSCHimalayaNews