Media is too big
12/29/2022 Miles Guo: The New Federal State of China (NFSC) has brought hope to the Chinese people. Religions and faiths of all mankind are facing the challenges from the CCP, and this provides the NFSC an even bigger opportunity. The religious people the fellow fighters met at AMFEST 2022 in Phoenix were from the “Swamp”. The real war has begun, and 2023 will be the darkest year. Only if we stay together and truly uphold the belief of taking down the CCP can we step into the future.
#NFSC #WhistleblowersMovement #religion #faith #takedowntheCCP

12/29/2022 文貴直播:新中國聯邦為中國人帶來了希望;全人類的宗教、信仰遭到了中共的挑戰,這給新中國聯邦提供了一個更大的機會;戰友們在鳳凰城遇到的宗教人士是沼澤地的;大戰已經開始,2023年是最黑暗的一年,只有團結起來並且真正地相信消滅共產黨,我們才會走向未來
#新中國聯邦 #爆料革命 #宗教 #信仰 #消滅中共