Media is too big
#班农先生:#郭文贵先生 使人们认清了 #中共 与 #中国人民 有着本质的不同。他领导的 #爆料革命 和 #新中国联邦 是一个伟大的壮举,为推翻中共提供一个新的视角,给中国人民带来了自由气息。

#妮可 警告所有西方观众,中共是挑拨离间、分裂社会的专家,他们正在将他们在共产主义中国所做的事情复制到美国。

Steven Bannon: Mr. Miles Guo made people realize that the CCP is fundamentally different from the Chinese people. The Whistleblower Movement and the New Federal State of China he led are a great feat, providing a new perspective for taking down the CCP and bringing a breath of freedom to the Chinese people.

Nicole warns to all the Western viewers, the CCP is an expert in sowing discord, and the dividing the society and they're replicating what they have done in communist China to America.