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2022.10.23 The New Yorker deliberately distorted the chronology of events in Miles Guo's life, but never mentioned his days spent in Qingfeng Detention Center and the international investment background of Yuda International Trade Plaza, simplifying Miles Guo as a member of the Chinese Communist Party spying for them. Its ulterior motive in misleading the public and misreading Miles Guo is to link him and the Whistleblower Movement with the partisan politics in the United States. It is so sinister.
(无LOGO版)纽约客故意把Miles Guo的生平事件时间顺序打乱,却只字不提Miles Guo 在清风看守所的经历及裕达国贸的背后国际投资背景,把Miles Guo 说成共产党一伙的,是共产党的间谍,是别有用心的在引导大众,曲解Miles Guo,背后的真正目的是把Miles Guo 和爆料革命与美国的政治党派联系在一起。其用心险恶之至。