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长期以来,美国官员一直警告说,#中共国 正在 #窃取美国的技术 并挖走人才,企图成为世界上的主导力量。一份最新的报告称,在美国最重要的国家安全实验室从事美国政府资助的项目研究的科研人员被招募到中共国工作,其中一些人参与了 #尖端武器 的开发。

U.S. officials have long warned that China is stealing American technology and poaching talent in its quest to become the dominant world power. A new report claims that scientists conducting U.S. government-funded research at America's foremost national security laboratory have been recruited to jobs in #China, some helping develop sophisticated #weapons.
#中共 #CCP
