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03/17/2023 Bloomberg: China will cut Reserve Requirement Ratio by 25 basis points from March 27 in bid to boost the economy. According to the economic data in January and February this year, China's economy showed a recovery, but it was weaker than many had hoped for. It does look like that the authorities are taking steps now to try and make sure that there's enough liquidity to keep that rebound going after the reopening post COVID Zero.

03/17/2023 《彭博社》:為了提振經濟,中共國將從3月27日開始將存款準備金率下調25個基點。今年1、2月份的經濟數據顯示,儘管中共國經濟正在復蘇,但比許多人預計的要弱。看起來中共當局現在正採取措施試圖確保有足夠的流動性,以延續結束清零政策、重新開放後的經濟反彈勢頭。