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11/08/2022 德國政府剛剛為中遠集團收購漢堡港集裝箱碼頭近25%的股權開了綠燈,便否決了賽微電子(中共國上市公司)的瑞典子公司Silex收購艾爾默斯位於多特蒙德的晶片生產廠的交易,因為擔心批准另一單涉及中共國的收購案會引來更多反彈。
#德國政府#中遠集團#賽微電子#Silex#中共國 11/08/2022 Having greenlit the sale of almost 25% stake in a Hamburg port container terminal to Chinese shipping giant COSCO, the German government blocks the acquisition of Elmos’s wafer production facilities in Dortmund by Sweden-based Silex, a unit of a Chinese listed company, Sai MicroElectronics, for fear that approving another deal involving China would cause more pushback.